Valve Adjustments

For residential, LULA and low flow applications.

  1. This information is provided with the understanding that it is only to be used by qualified hydraulic elevator professionals.

  2. Optimum oil temperature for adjusting valve is 80°F (27°C) min. to 100°F (38°C) maximum.

  3. Each new valve is adjusted to a set of standard conditions at the factory. You only need to adjust DM and BP settings. Other minor adjustments may be required to suit your application. Final adjustments are made 1/8 turn (or less) at a time for optimum performance.

  4. After valve adjustments are finalized, snug tighten lock nuts (DO NOT over tighten).

  5. Valve must be mounted with the solenoids in a vertical position. 5 inches (127mm) minimum clearance is required to remove the valve cover for service.

  6. When disconnecting solenoids, do it electrically, not physically.

  7. It is important to keep system oil clean. EECO recommends the use of a 5-micron filtration system.

  8. If DC requires further adjustment, first preset DA, adjust DC as required, then readjust DA.

  9. DO NOT adjust the valve to suit switches (vanes/magnets). Adjust the switches to suit the valve. Recommended slowdown distance is 2 in. for every 10 fpm of car speed.

(U1 - Up Fast solenoid / U2 - Up Slow solenoid)

  1. BP Bypass - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. Turn BP CW until car moves, then CCW until car stalls plus 1/2 turn. Stop pump motor and reconnect U2.

  2. UA Up Acceleration - Car at lower floor with no load. Register an up call and observe up acceleration. Turn UA a small step at a time CCW for faster or CW for slower up acceleration. DO NOT drag out acceleration.

  3. UL Up Leveling - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U1. Register an up call. Turn UL CW (faster) or CCW (slower) to set up leveling speed at 9 to 12 fpm (.05 to .06 m/s). Leave U1 disconnected.

  4. UT Up Transition - Car at lower floor with no load. Register an up call. The car will move up at leveling speed. Turn UT CW until car speeds up, then slowly CCW until car slows down to leveling speed again. Reconnect U1. Cycle car and observe up transition. Turn UT CW for slower transition or CCW for faster transition. Slowdown switch should be set to give 3 to 4 inches (75 mm to 100 mm) of stabilized leveling.

  5. US Up Stop - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. The car should not move. Turn US CW until car moves then slowly CCW until the car stops again. Reconnect U2. Cycle car and observe up stop. Turn US CW for softer stop or CCW for firmer stop. NOTE: Pump motor must run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

  1. DL Down Leveling - Car at upper floor with no load. Disconnect D1. Register a down call. Adjust DL to set down leveling speed at 7 to 9 fpm (.04 to .05 m/s). Reconnect D1.

  2. DM Down Main - Car at upper floor with no load and DSC on preset. Register a down call. Turn DM CW (slower) or CCW (faster) to set down speed at contract (full load) speed.

  3. DC Down Closing - Cycle empty car and observe down stop. Turn DC CW for softer stop or CCW for firmer stop until down stop is satisfactory (see note 8 above).

  4. DT Down Transition - Cycle car and turn DT CCW (slower) or CW (faster) until down transition is satisfactory.

  5. DA Down Acceleration - Car at upper floor with no load. Turn DA CW to stop. Register a down call. The car should not move. Turn DA slowly CCW until the car breaks away from the floor. Turn DA CCW (faster) or CW (slower) until down acceleration is satisfactory.

  6. DSC Down Speed Control - Car at upper floor with full load. Register a down call. Turn DSC CW from preset to slow car to down contract speed. Remove the load, cycle car and recheck empty car speed (should be the same as set before).

  7. ML Manual Lowering - Open ML CCW to lower car at leveling speed. All electrical power MUST be off when using manual lowering!

  1. With fully loaded car and a pressure gauge installed on the pump gauge port, register an up call and record maximum pressure as the car nears top landing.

  2. With fully loaded car at bottom landing, close main line valve and turn RV and UA out CCW to stop.

  3. Register an up call. Turn RV in CW to set relief pressure as required by local code (not to exceed 50% above maximum pressure recorded earlier).

  4. Restart pump to check the RV setting. Seal RV as required. Open main line valve to the jack. Readjust UA for proper up acceleration.

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

BP Bypass
CCW to stop. (CCW - Delays up start)

UA Up Acceleration
Flush to locknut, CCW 9 turns. (CCW - Faster)

UL Up Leveling
CW to stop then CCW 5 turns. (CW - Faster speed)

UT Up Transition
CCW to stop. (CW - Slower transition)

US Up Stop CCW to stop. (CW - Softer stop)

RV Relief Valve
Factory set at 550 psi (38 bar). (CW - Increase pressure setting)

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

DL Down Leveling
CCW to stop then CW 6 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DM Down Main
CW to stop then CCW 6 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DC Down Closing
CCW to stop, then CW * turns. (CW - Softer Stop)
*Previous to Serial # 1R18N0028, CW 15 turns – Serial # 1R18N0028 or later, 4 CW turns

DT Down Transition
CW to stop. (CCW - Slower transition)

DA Down Acceleration
CCW to stop. (CW - Slower acceleration)

DSC Down Speed Control
CCW to stop. (CW - Slower down speed - full load)

ML Manual Lowering
CW to stop. (CCW - Opens valve)

Sequence of Operations
All Valves

Up Start:

  1. “ATL” (Across The Line) start: pump motor “ON”. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed.

  2. "Wye" start: Pump motor “ON” (reduced voltage). “Delta” run: Pump motor “ON” full voltage. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed. De-energize U1 to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize U2 to stop at the floor.

CAUTION: Never energize U2 and U1 during "Wye" start, only after “Delta” run!

Down Start:

  1. Energize D1 and D2 to lower the car at fast speed. De-energize D1 to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize D2 to stop at the floor.

Note: Pump motor must be timed to run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

  1. This information is to be used only by qualified hydraulic elevator professionals.

  2. The optimum oil temperature to adjust the valve is between 80° to 100°F (27° to 38°C). If oil temperature exceeds 100°F (38°C), make down stop firmer.

  3. The following instructions are for adjusting the valve starting with adjusters on preset. However, each new valve is adjusted to a set of standard conditions at the factory and you do not have to preset adjusters. You only need to adjust DM and BP. Other adjusters may require fine-tuning to suit your application.

  4. Hand tighten the seal nuts on the adjusters - DO NOT over tighten.

  5. Valve must be mounted with solenoids in a vertical position. Five (5) inches (127mm) min. clearance is required to remove the valve cover for service.

  6. When disconnecting solenoids, do it electrically, not physically.

  7. Both UA and DC adjusters have screened inputs and must be kept clean. EECO recommends the use of a 5-micron filtration system.

  8. If DC requires further fine-tuning after DA is adjusted, first open 3 turns, fine-tune DC, and then readjust DA.

  9. Down contract speed is full down speed with rated load on the car in standard UV-5A(B)T control valves, down speed with empty car is less than contract speed depending on the ratio of full-load to no-load pressures, approximately 25% less for a 2 to 1 pressure ratio (i.e., empty car down speed = full load (contract) down speed x .75). If constant down speed is required between no-load and full-load conditions, use UV-5A(B)TC valve.

  10. DO NOT adjust the valve to suit switches. Adjust the switches (vanes/magnets) to suit the valve.

Watch UV-5AT(C) Introduction Video

(From Preset)
(U1 - Up Fast solenoid / U2 - Up Slow solenoid)

  1. BP Bypass - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. The car should not move. Turn BP CW until car moves, then CCW until car stalls plus a minimum of 1/2 turn. Stop pump motor. Reconnect U2.

  2. UA Up Acceleration - Car at lower floor with no load. Turn UA CCW 2 1/2 turns from the fully closed position. Register an up call and observe up acceleration. Turn UA CCW for faster or CW for slower up acceleration. The car should reach full speed in no more than 2 1/2 feet (.8m). DO NOT drag out acceleration.

  3. UL Up Leveling - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U1. Register an up call. Turn UL CCW (faster) or CW (slower) to set up leveling speed at 10 to 13 fpm (.05 to .07 /sec). Leave U1 disconnected.

  4. UT Up Transition - Car at lower floor with no load. Register an up call with U2 energized only. The car will move up at leveling speed. Turn UT CW until car speeds up, then slowly CCW until the car slows down again. Reconnect U1. Register an up call and observe up transition. Turn UT CW (slower) or CCW (faster) until up transition is satisfactory. Slowdown switch should be located to give 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100mm) of stabilized leveling (see note 10 above).

  5. US Up Stop - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. The car should not move. Turn US CW until car moves, then CCW until the car stops again. Reconnect U2. Register an up call and observe up stop. Turn US CW for softer stop or CCW for a firmer stop. NOTE: Pump motor must run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

Watch UV-5 Series Up Adjustment Video

(From Preset)
(D1 - Down Fast solenoid / D2 - Down Slow solenoid)

  1. DL Down Leveling - Car at upper floor with no load. Disconnect D1. Register a down call. Adjust DL to set down leveling speed at 7 to 9 fpm (.04 to .05 m/sec). Reconnect D1.

  2. DM Down Main - For UV-5A(B)T valves, car at upper floor with no load. Register a down call. Turn DM CW (slower) or CCW (faster) to set down speed at 25% less than contract (full load) speed (see note 9 above).

  3. NOTE: For UV-5A(B)TC valves DSC should be on preset (CCW to Stop) and set down speed at full contract speed.

  4. DC Down Closing - Cycle the empty car and observe down stop. Turn DC CW (softer stop and slower transition) or CCW (firmer stop and faster transition) until down stop is satisfactory (see note 8 above). For most applications, there is no need to adjust DDT since down transition is satisfactory when DC is set. However, if DT requires further adjustment, go to step 4, otherwise, go to step 5.

  5. DT Down Transition - Car at upper floor with no load. Disconnect D1. Register a down call. The car should come down at leveling speed. Turn DT CCW until car speeds up, then slowly CW until the car slows down again. Reconnect D1. Cycle car and turn DT CCW (slower) or CW (faster) until down transition is satisfactory. Readjust DL to maintain down leveling at 7 to 9 fpm (.04 to .05 m/sec). Slowdown switch should be located to give 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100mm) of stabilized leveling (see note 10 above).

  6. DA Down Acceleration - Car at upper floor with no load. Turn DA CW to stop. Register a down call. The car should not move. Turn DA slowly CCW until the car breaks away from the floor. Turn DA CW (slower) or CCW (faster) until down acceleration is satisfactory.

  7. ML Manual Lowering - Open ML CCW to lower car at leveling speed. All electrical power MUST be off when using manual lowering!

Watch UV-5 Series Down Adjustment Video

  1. With fully loaded car and a pressure gauge installed on the pump gauge port, register an up call and record maximum pressure as the car nears top landing.

  2. With the fully loaded car at bottom landing, close the main line valve and turn RV and UA out CCW to stop.

  3. Register an up call. Turn RV in CW to set relief pressure as required by local code (not to exceed 50% above maximum pressure recorded earlier).

  4. Restart pump to check the RV setting. Seal RV as required. Open main line valve to the jack. Readjust UA for proper up acceleration.

Watch UV-5 Series Relief Valve Adjustment Video

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

BP Bypass
CCW to stop, CW 2 turns. (CCW - Delays up start)

UA Up Acceleration
CW to stop. (CCW - Faster acceleration)

UL Up Leveling
CW to stop. (CCW - Faster speed)

UT Up Transition
CCW to stop, CW 7 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower transition)

US Up Stop
CCW to stop, CW 7 1/2 turns. (CW - Softer stop)

RV Relief Valve
Factory set at 550 psi (38 bar). (CW - Increase)

Watch UV-5 Series Up Adjuster Presetting Video

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

DL Down Leveling
CW to stop, CCW 5 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DM Down Main
CW to stop, CCW 5 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DSC Down Speed Control
CW to snap ring, CCW 6 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DC Down Closing
CCW to stop, CW 8 1/2 turns. (CCW - Firmer stop)

DT Down Transition
Closed flush with lock nut. (CCW - Slower transition)

DA Down Acceleration
CCW to stop. (CCW - Faster acceleration)

ML Manual Lowering
CW to stop. (CCW - Opens valve)

Watch UV-5 Series Down Adjuster Presetting Video

UV-5AT Sequence Animation

Sequence of Operations
All Valves

Up Start:

  1. “ATL” (Across The Line) start: pump motor “ON”. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed.

  2. “Wye” start: Pump motor “ON” (reduced voltage). “Delta” run: Pump motor “ON” full voltage. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed. De-energize U1 to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize U2 to stop at the floor.

CAUTION: Never energize U2 and U1 during “Wye” start, only after “Delta” run!

Down Start:

  1. Energize D1 and D2 to lower the car at fast speed. De-energize font-size:.7em to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize D2 to stop at the floor.

Note: Pump motor must be timed to run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

  1. This information is to be used only by qualified hydraulic elevator professionals.

  2. The optimum oil temperature to adjust the valve is between 80° to 100°F (27° to 38°C). If oil temperature exceeds 100°F (38°C), make down stop firmer.

  3. The following instructions are for adjusting the valve starting with adjusters on preset. However, each new valve is adjusted to a set of standard conditions at the factory and you do not have to preset adjusters. You only need to adjust DM and BP. Other adjusters may require fine-tuning to suit your application.

  4. Hand tighten the seal nuts on the adjusters - DO NOT over tighten.

  5. Valve must be mounted with the solenoids in a vertical position. Five (5) inches (127mm) min. clearance is required to remove valve cover for service.

  6. When disconnecting solenoids, do it electrically, not physically.

  7. Both UA and DC adjusters have screened inputs and must be kept clean. EECO recommends the use of a 5-micron filtration system.

  8. If DC requires further fine-tuning after DA is adjusted, first open DA 3 turns, fine-tune DC and then readjust DA.

  9. Down contract speed is full down speed with rated load on the car in standard UV-7B control valves, down speed with empty car is less than contract speed depending on the ration of full-load to no-load pressures, approximately 25% less for a 2 to 1 pressure ratio (i.e., empty car down speed = full load (contract) down speed x .75). If constant down speed is required between no-load and full-load conditions, use UV-7BC valve.

  10. DO NOT adjust the valve to suit switches. Adjust the switches (vanes/magnets) to suit the valve.

(From Preset)
(U1 - Up Fast solenoid / U2 - Up Slow solenoid)

  1. BP Bypass - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. The car should not move. Turn BP CW until car moves, then CCW until car stalls plus a minimum of 1/2 turn. Stop pump motor. Reconnect U2.

  2. UA Up Acceleration - Car at lower floor with no load. Turn UA CCW 2 1/2 turns from the fully closed position. Register an up call and observe up acceleration. Turn UA CCW for faster or CW for slower up acceleration. The car should reach full speed in no more than 2 1/2 feet (.8m). DO NOT drag out acceleration.

  3. UL Up Leveling - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U1. Register an up call. Turn UL CW (faster) or CCW (slower) to set up leveling speed at 10 to 13 fpm (.05 to .07 /sec). Leave U1 disconnected.

  4. UT Up Transition - Car at lower floor with no load. Register an up call with U2 energized only. The car will move up at leveling speed. Turn UT CW until car speeds up, then slowly CCW until the car slows down again. Reconnect U1. Register an up call and observe up transition. Turn UT CW (slower) or CCW (faster) until up transition is satisfactory. Slowdown switch should be located to give 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100mm) of stabilized leveling (see note 10 above).

  5. US Up Stop - Car at lower floor with no load. Disconnect U2. Register an up call. The car should not move. Turn US CW until car moves, then CCW until the car stops again. Reconnect U2. Register an up call and observe up stop. Turn US CW for softer stop or CCW for a firmer stop. NOTE: Pump motor must run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

(From Preset)
(D1 - Down Fast solenoid / D2 - Down Slow solenoid)

  1. DL Down Leveling - Car at upper floor with no load. Disconnect D1. Register a down call. Adjust DL to set down leveling speed at 7 to 9 fpm (.04 to .05 m/s). Reconnect D1.

  2. DM Down Main - For UV-7B valves, car at upper floor with no load. Register a down call. Turn DM CW (slower) or CCW (faster) to set down speed at 25% less than contract (full load) speed (see note 9). For UV-7BC valves DSC should be on preset and set down speed at full contract speed.

  3. DC Down Closing - Cycle empty car and observe down stop. Turn DC CW (softer stop) or CCW (firmer stop) until down stop is satisfactory (see note 8 above).

  4. DSC Down Speed Control - Put full load on car and check speed in down direction, If speed is more than 5% different from contract speed turn DSC (CW) to decrease or (CCW) to increase speed within 5% of contract speed. Final DSC adjustment should be in 1/8 increments.

  5. DT Down Transition - Car at upper floor with no load. Disconnect D1. Register a down call. The car should come down at leveling speed. Turn DT CCW until car speeds up, then slowly CW until the car slows down again. Reconnect D1. Cycle the car and turn DT CCW (slower) or CW (faster) until down transition is satisfactory. Readjust DL to maintain down leveling at 7 to 9 fpm (.04 to .05 m/sec). Slowdown switch should be located to give 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100mm) of stabilized leveling (see note 10 abpve).

  6. DA Down Acceleration - Car at upper floor with no load. Turn DA CW to stop. Register a down call. The car should not move. Turn DDA slowly CCW until the car breaks away from the floor. Turn DA CW (slower) or CCW (faster) until down acceleration is satisfactory.

  1. With fully loaded car and a pressure gauge installed on the pump gauge port, register an up call and record the maximum pressure as the car nears the top landing.

  2. With fully loaded car at bottom landing, close main line valve and turn RV and UA out CCW to stop.

  3. Register an up call. Turn RV in CW to set relief pressure as required by local code (not to exceed 50% above maximum pressure recorded earlier).

  4. Restart the pump to check the RV setting. Seal RV as required. Open main line valve to the jack. Readjust UA for proper up acceleration.

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

BP Bypass
CCW to stop, CW 2 turns. (CCW - Delays up start)

UA Up Acceleration
CW to stop. (CCW - Faster acceleration)

UL Up Leveling
CCW to stop. (CW - Faster speed)

UT Up Transition
CCW to stop, CW 2 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower)

US Up Stop
CCW to stop. (CW - Softer stop)

RV Relief Valve
Factory set at 500 psi (34 bar). (CW - Increase)

CW = Clockwise (IN)
CCW = Counter Clockwise (OUT)

DL Down Leveling
CW to stop, then CCW 5 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DM Down Main
CW to stop, CCW 5 1/2 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DSC Down Speed Control CW to snap ring, CCW 6 turns. (CW - Slower speed)

DC Down Closing
CW to stop, CW 2 1/2 turns. (CCW - Firmer stop)

DT Down Transition
CW to stop. (CCW - Slower transition)

DA Down Acceleration
CCW to stop. (CCW - Faster acceleration)

ML Manual lowering
CW to stop. (CCW - Opens valve)

Sequence of Operations
All Valves

Up Start:

  1. “ATL” (Across The Line) start: pump motor “ON”. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed.

  2. "Wye" start: Pump motor “ON” (reduced voltage). “Delta” run: Pump motor “ON” full voltage. Energize both U2 and U1 solenoids to run up at fast speed. De-energize U1 to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize U2 to stop at the floor.

CAUTION: Never energize U2 and U1 during "Wye" start, only after “Delta” run!

Down Start:

  1. Energize D1 and font-size:.7em to lower the car at fast speed. De-energize D1 to slowdown to leveling speed. De-energize D2 to stop at the floor.

Note: Pump motor must be timed to run approximately 1 second after the car has stopped.

The EECO Control Valve Catalog contains information on Valve Adjustment, Troubleshooting, Parts, and Repair. Click on the text above to download.

Procedimiento de Ajuste UV-4R
Procedimiento de Ajuste UV-5(A/B)T & UV-5(A/B)TC
Procedimiento de Ajuste UV-7B & UV-7BC

The EECO Control Valve Catalog contains information on Valve Adjustment, Troubleshooting, Parts, and Repair. Click on the text above to download.